Grade 7 – The Outsiders

Hi Grade 7! Let’s do the time warp back to the 60s…Mr. P’s time. What was life like? What kind of music did teens listen to? What was the political climate like in the US? What did teens do in their spare time? What were some of their worries? Are they similar to our (teen) worries today? What about social class and gangs? Was there a division? Did this impact teens socially? Did they overcome it? How? Today you had an opportunity to do a digital scavenger hunt throughout the 60s and we listened to an epic 60s playlist to set the mood and get extra inspo. Tomorrow we will begin working on our group research project to be even more in the “60s know”.

Grade 8 – Of Mice & Men

Hi Grade 8,

Friendship is what it’s all about. How far would you go for a friend? What makes someone a good friend? What makes someone a terrible friend? Why are healthy friendships important for our well being? Is there a difference between companionship and friendship? These are all questions that we will begin to answer as we read through this novella. But before we start, we need to put ourselves in that decade. What was life like? By completing this research project and sharing your knowledge in a presentation, we will all become 1930s experts!

Reading Buddies are Back!

Hi Middle Schoolers!

Reading Buddies are back! Reading Buddies is a great program that allows our senior students, like you, to be paired with younger students to build relationships, be positive role models, and engage in activities such as reading books around a particular theme, learning about a holiday together, and support our North Star that ‘we learn better together’.  The Grade 8s teamed up with the Grade 3s yesterday morning for our very first session. It was a lovely and heart warming way to start the week!


Grade 8 – Friday Funyay

Today in class we looked at some of the challenges and issues that face you, as teens, in 2022 vs your parents as teens in the 80s and 90s. We than considered what challenges your future children may encounter. Your lists were dynamic, thorough, reflective and a little scary! Body image and acceptance was an issue that kept reoccurring on all lists. These discussions brought us to Christina Aguilera’s song, Beautiful. We watched the 2002 version of the video and compared it to the 2022 updated video which was released yesterday! Both were powerful and thought provoking for their time. Please complete the assignment either by hand or electronically so that you are ready to further our discussion on Monday. Shabbat Shalom Y’all!

Grade 8 – The Weapon

As promised in class today, this is the example that you all brilliantly wrote together as a class. Feel free to model your other technique just like this.

Symbol is a literary technique that is used in the Weapon. The symbol in the Weapon is the weapon. The weapon is used to symbolize the concept and theme of the story. It is stated that “only a madman would give a loaded revolver to an idiot”. This quote relates to the symbol because it shows that technology can be used as a weapon against mankind. This makes the story better because it drives the meaning by exploiting the message of society isn’t responsible enough to handle the advancements of technology.

Grade 8 – The Response to Literature

Response writing is a writing form that we are starting to review and work on. I want to remind you that response writing is your ability to understand and interrupt the text. It showcases your ability to understand not only the black and white, but the grey areas too. Response writing is done in 1 single draft, and does not focus on your strengths as a writer. Instead, spend your time focusing on understanding what you’re reading, watching or listening to. Here are the guidelines. You will use these guidelines throughout the school year. I have printed a copy for you too!