Grade 7: OJCS Set the Scene (Due: Friday 10/9)

Last week we discussed the importance of using descriptive language when creating the setting of a short story. We talked about using language that paints a picture in the mind of the reader. Students were encouraged to incorporate the five senses into their writing.

Task: A film crew has decided to film a movie about OJCS! You have been tasked with describing the environment of OJCS to the director before he arrives on site. 

Step 1: Set the scene of the Ottawa Jewish Community School. Write two paragraphs that incorporate the five senses and descriptive adjectives to describe the environment of OJCS as YOU see it.

Step 2: Edit your paragraph. Check for spelling, grammar, and capitalization mistakes.

Ensure that you followed the directions and included the five senses as well!

Here is the rubric for this descriptive writing assignment:

Descriptive Writing Rubric

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