Good morning Middle School! Here is a link to the daily morning announcements. These announcements will be shared with you every day during period 1 and will be updated daily. If you are absent or late, this is a great way to check up on what’s going on at OJCS!
Shana Tova
Shana Tova to you and your families. Wishing you all nothing but a sweet and happy new year.
Grade 7 – Terry Fox Paragraph Writing Practice
Happy Thursday Grade 7! Tomorrow is the Terry Fox Run. I wish I could be running alongside you. Let’s remind ourselves why we are running tomorrow with this little mini research assignment. I look forward to reading why YOU think Terry is a HERO!
Grade 6 – Terry Fox Comprehension Assignment
Good afternoon 6th Graders!
Here’s today and tomorrow’s low down. On Friday we will be participating in the Terry Fox run as a school. Let’s brush up on what we remember about Terry so we can put all of our heart and soul in Friday’s run. Here are 3 readings about Terry followed by 3 sets of questions. Please be sure to put your slideshow in slideshow mode so you can see the text clearly.
Grade 8 – Terry Fox Social Media Campaign
Morning 8th Graders,
Here is the mission for the next 3 classes. We all know who Terry was and how heroic he was. But his fanfare at the time of his run was not what it should have been. He didn’t have the help of social media which definitely contributed to his lack of “likes”. Imagine Terry was running today, in 2022. Create his social media campaign. Find the instructions here. Read them carefully. Have fun and use your talent. You are presenting next week.
Grade 8 – The Monkey’s Paw
We certainly saw what happened to the Whites when they had the chance to make a wish. Did they mess with fate? Did they get what they deserved? How would you have handled the “gift of the paw”? There is a lot to think about post reading. What about the literary techniques the author used in order to grab our attention. What about this story made it good? Take a look at the attached handout to see if you’re able to identify these techniques. Be prepared to discuss.
Once you’re feeling confident in identifying the techniques, attack this handout. Remember you only need to answer 3 in a row.
Thank you
A huge shout out and thank you to team OJCS and all of our extra special OJCS volunteers who showed up ready to help and ride today. You made us very proud!
ATTENTION all MS students
Don’t forget to sign and bring back your permission slips for our MS Retreat! We leave Wednesday.
Grade 8 – Intro Writing Assignment
Let’s get back into the swing of things. This is your first (of many) writing assignments. I have purposely given you very little guidelines in hopes you will prove how well you write. Take your time to read through the instructions and follow all steps outlined. I know you’ve got this! Take. Your. Time. Proof read!
Grade 7 – Let’s get it started
Welcome back! Today in class we will go over the routines and procedures for a successful year. I will remind you how to work and organize your Google drives, blogs and other necessities. If time allows we may even put the pedal to the metal with your very first writing assignment. This hasn’t been assigned yet, so stay tuned for the actual due date. I have utmost faith in each and every one of you. I know you will read the directions thoroughly, consider your writing and of course proofread. Show me what you’re made of….GO!