I had a wonderful time chaperoning and bonding with the students on the Middle School Retreat! This experience provided students with an opportunity to start the new year off with a variety of educational/personal development activities.

Citizenship Points
Yesterday I introduced the concept of Citizenship Points into the classroom. These points are to encourage each student to be a “good citizen” in the classroom. Each student will start each trimester with a 50/50 in this category. Students will lose citizenship points for the following: Excessive talking, disrespect to the teacher/peers, excessive lateness, off-task behavior. I will document these points along with any comments for deductions
Reading Comprehension Pre-Test/Reading Buddies
Each class has now taken a reading comprehension pre-test. This week we are reviewing basic skills/tips that can be used to improve reading comprehension.
We are also in the process of kicking off our “Reading Buddy” program. This program is designed to help students model good reading skills. Reading buddies also provides students with an opportunity to mentor younger students and continue to build upon our values. The following grades will be paired together:
- Grade 1- Grade 6
- Grade 2- Grade 7
- Grade 3- Grade 8
Link to Introductory Activities/Reading Comprehension Notes