Good afternoon students and parents!
Today students have been given the assignment packet for the Independent Reading Project. Many students are excited about the opportunity to read, review, and create a presentation about a book of their choosing! My goal is that students begin to read a minimum of 30 minutes per night. The only requirements regarding novel selection are that: the book has a minimum of 150 pages, the book adequately meets the reading level needs of the student, and that the book has not already been made into a movie.
For those students who need further instruction/accommodations for this assignment please reach out to me! I am more than happy to help modify this assignment to best meet the needs of each of our students at OJCS! Email me at with any questions, comments, or concerns.
This assignment has been divided into a few key dates:
- Book must be chosen and approved by Friday October 5th
- Book must be read completely by Friday October 26th
- Turn in Part A (Book Report Form) and Part B (Summary) on Monday October 29th
- Part C (Creative Piece) Due on Wednesday November 7th (Presentations begin that day)
- Only choose ONE option for Part C